How many newborn clothes do I need?

Calculating the minimal newborn wardrobe

Minimalist Mum
April 23, 2014

This is probably the one question I just cannot find a satisfactory answer to, either online, from books or family and friends.

I accept that there is a large degree of flexibility - your baby may puke every hour or never at all - but I would very much appreciate a simple, clear list of minimum items. Sizing is also an issue: . . .

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Diapers: disposable, cloth or...none?

How to choose the best diaper from too many options

Minimalist Mum
April 23, 2014

I knew that newborn babies needed diapers but I still got a bit of a shock when I learnt I would have to change my baby up to ten times a day. That would mean using around 70 disposable nappies per week! It seemed like an insurmountable hill of plastic was coming my way, plus multiple trips down to our building's central waste bin and the . . .

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